juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 9th, 2008 MSB . . .

February 9, 2008 - Saturday

TeeeeeeenA! :)
Current mood: horny
Category: LOL Friends

(like changing the colors & messing with it - so here's the rest of my reply;) LOL

Going to mom's this afternoon (its a bit weird because I really havent "hung" out with her in like 2wks!) LOL. . .

Pop's failed his DOT physical Fri . . . they are a bit worried about that. . they know they can't make it on "SS" income if he is forced to retire. . . so we are trying to find him some alternatives . . .

My sis has also talked to him about an alternative . . if they force him to retire . . so i just hope he will work it out. . . It sux for them . . . but I think it'll all work out somehow . .

he may have to have surgery again (nothing life threatening this time!!) - if so, it'll be in late March . .

I'm actually contemplating a surgery too! LOL . . Actually. . . nothing . . . real exciting. . but thinking of corrective eye surgery. My sis had it done. . um .. omg. . like 5-6yrs ago. She had an excellent eye dr. . . and he takes payment plans & all that! And, now they can also do correction to night vision, which they couldn't do when she had it done. . . so!! I've thought about it off & on .. since she had it done. . . the thought of someone messing with my eyes is a bit freaky though!! I'd be doing it more for the night vision. . . my night vision is . . getting rough . . lol. . . and . . sumx do a lot of night driving;) hehe

I wish u drove;) heeeee;) You could come to a girl's night out;))) hhmmmm;) lol (shhhhhhH!!)

What else?

OMG! um . . the local vet's office. . . called me this am to say that a family was just in this am that is almost positive they saw Rage this week! . . so .. thing is. . they said "yea he had a blue collar on" . . well . . Rage didn't have his blue collar on . . so i dunno if it was really him or not, although i did go drive the area. .. and will watch for him in the area more . . . I'm not sure how i feel right now. . i do keep hoping that i will find him . . at the same point. . i know the more time that goes by, the less chance i have of him coming home. . a part of me will ALWAYS hope he comes home of 'course!! Every day i go out, i still look for him when i come home.

I've had a migraine for 2 freakin days :( uuggghhh sux!! lol

I will talk to u more later;))


ly bunches!!!


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