juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

Been awhile since I last posted - sorry about that. . .things have been crazy. . . i have had a lot of things going on. on the 18th (Aug) we went to Ozzfest in Ct! It was freakin' awesome to see Ozzy! that is the reason i went;0) a few of the other bands were ok too;) lol

On the Thursday, the 23rd (aug), my husband had surgery & it was also my mother's bday. My dad is back at work now (for anyone that hasn't visited my myspace blog, he had heart surgery back at the beginning of may).

I have been moping a bit this past week. On the 27th, I started school in cobleskill NY - I want to do their wildlife management program - but i had to withdraw - the commute (2hrs - 1 way) was just too much for me to handle right now - i would have no time to work on projects we were being assigned, as well as my family & stuff at home. . .but since I left, i have been mopin';( no one here really understands how disappointed in myself i am . . .

On Sept 1st, we went to Lake taconic & had a day with some family we haven't seen in awhile. My mom, brother & his girlfriend went, as well as myself, my husband 7 our kids (4), and 2 of my aunts & their kids (1 has 1 (in his 30's) - and a friend's son came with her, the other has 3 - in their 20's). We had a great day & I am glad we went.

We walked on some of the trail - it goes from Kingston to like New Paltz. . . on Sep. 2nd. Found cool mushrooms to take pics of! Those will be in my nature blog, all with the info when i get them id'ed;0)

Then, the other day (9-3) . . . we went to Minnewaska State park (hubby, me & the kids) and we walked around the lake. I have been really into pics (yea i know - but even more;) lately. . . i have been taking pics of EVERYTHING - literally;0) lol Most of those will appear in one of my other blogs tho. . . :) So if ya wanna see. . . you will have to go there;0)

I haven't gotten through any of those pics yet. . . ;P" i am working on taking them off the cam now. . . and I discovered the MACRO setting on my cam . . . (duh!! but i didn't know anything about it. . . so i have taken some pics with it experimenting with this new thing;0)

On the wild side, there isn't much going on. My husband told me there was something in the 'dog food can' the other evening. . . (we keep the dog food in a spare garbage can (rubber) with a lid & sometimes the kids do not put it on tight . . . well, I guess he fell in. . . trying to help himself to a meal! There was only a bit in there anyhow, so i let him out & dumped the food out back for him to find later after he recovered from his ordeal. He wasn't hurt or anything, but definitely scared. I took his pic, so when i get it saved, i'll share it;0)

The kids finally started back to school on Wednesday, Sep 5th, 2007. (Read more about that in my blog 'Mom's Monkeys'.

well. . . i can't think of anything else at the moment. . . if i do i will add or make a new post;0) check out my other blogs to see some pics;0)

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