juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 4th, Myspace Blog. . .

February 4, 2008 - Monday

Well . . Hellllll . . . LOL
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

So . . now it is already the beginning of a new wk! Where the hell did the weekend go???? I'll try not to short write . . LMAO. . i do that a lot in game. . i dont have time to be writing stuff out . . lol

it is truly, honestly a bad habit tho! I like the shortened lazy version of writing! :)

So. . this weekend was lazy . . well kinda!

Friday no school. . bcuz ice/sleet bull . . . .

Sat am had to be up bright & early to leave for the Nature center to be at the groundhog presentation. We got done there around 12:20 . . then headed over to the actual musem part (the program was held in the discovery center) . . and checked it out. Nice. I like it. Thats what i want someday. . . Natural history museum . . I would like "Native animal museum" LOL!:) Plan to get a pg up on my website about our day. um. . soon i hope;)

So. . we head out @ 1:20 from there. . then have to go all the way up to Kingston from there (mayb 45 min). . and get a . . hub thing for the car from the car part place. . . then head home. . another 45 min. . .

Today did nothing. . . lol until @ 3pm. Went and picked up a dog from my uncle. . that he took from my sis. LOL. . hes pretty young. . lol . . and full . . of spunk! lol He def needs a LOT of TLC & direction . . but. . seems to have promise;) LOL He just seems. . sad. . . hes a wiry, high strung little guy. . . but so far so good. . . hes crashed now. . we just took an outdoor trip at 2:20am . . so he will prob be good for the rest of the nite. . he was last out when we got home . . around 7:30 -8 ish.

Ok . . well. . time to go. . im gonna play WoW awhile more. . then crash .. .then shower & go for my interview:) LOL

nite nite :)

(oh will add a few pics to my albums. . i havent taken any yet. . so u get to see some my sis took! LOL)

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