juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

juvenile bat July 7th, 2007

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday August 3rd, 2007

Well, where to start? so much has been going on . . .

I'll start with our recent intake. Miss Funny bunny is doing well! Alive & healing I am happy to announce!!! LOL The little boy whose dad found her, calls her "Buster" lol. Dariyn has been calling her Funny Bunny. LOL I am pretty sure she is a girl. Once her back is healed up, I will let her go. Hair is beginning to grow back, so it shouldn't be too much longer. I don't want to get her to stressed out, now that she is recovering.

What else? Dariyn went to the dr on Tues (24th) for her headaches. She saw the eye dr that Fri. (27th). Her vision is good & she doesn't need glasses for sure. He said headaches are rarely caused by vision probs, tho. So, she goes back to the dr soon for a follow-up. She has to keep a headache journal. She has had like 5 or 6 headaches since her dr app. She has many a week. Not migraines, lucky for her tho - but she has been keeping track - and even days she eats all meals, and stays in from the heat she will get headaches - so there doesn't seem to be a real pattern (like on a day she misses breakfast she had a headache, or she played out in the heat & got a headache), although being in the heat seems to trigger them, like my migraines :{ Dariyn is now 80lbs.!

So. . .

Kymberlee went for her dr app on Mon 8/1. She has not been having headaches, but she has been having some trouble seeing! She did fail the nurses vision test at school, and she failed at the dr too:( She has good (20/20 I believe it was) in the left, but her rt is way off. As her dr said "there is a significant difference between the 2". She is sending her to an opthamologist to have her eyes checked. She said sometimes with such a large vision difference, there maybe an underlying eye disease/problem!! :( So, she is going - 9/5 I believe it is for a checkup at the OP. Then, her & Rayna both had swimmer's ear this week - and luckily they got med at Kymberlee's app Mon. They checked Kymberlee's ear & the dr said it was that & I told her Rayna had the same prob & they squeezed her in so the dr could check her ears. Kymberlee's RT was the prob & Rayna had both!! So, they both ended up with ear drops for a week - which they are working on finishing.

What else?? Jaymz had a dr app on Wed (25th). He has a hernia & has to have surgery! He is very happy that it is AFTER the 18th, which is the Ozzfest we are supposed to go to! LOL However, he is supposed to go the 23rd, which is the day I am supposed to be up at school for check-in, etc crap!! ugh SO I am not sure yet what I am gonna do @ all that! He will be initially taking 1 wk off work (thur - the following Fri) & then we will see if he needs more time off.

All the kids need to get in for check-ups. They got dropped off the insurance last yr for some dumb-ass reason & I fought with them a few months & gave up!! At renewal, I added them & they re-added them! GO FIGURE!! Have no idea why they took them off to begin with >:{ Rayna will go in Oct for her check-up & Kymberlee will also be having a checkup in Oct. I need to schedule Jesse & Dariyn yet.

I have been dealing with still trying to get registered for classes for fall too! >:{ I applied WAY in the hell back in March. . . got my acceptance letter in late June & been dealing with paperwork stuffs since! Apparently, when I went & applied to Ulster. . . here's the deal. . . I didn't have vaccine records so I had to go have a titer done. The one they REALLY care about is MMR & TB. Ulster didn't tell me I needed a TB, but had to have the titer done. Well I did this in Aug. My dr was supposed to have my results in 2-3 days. Then they had a paper they were going to fill out & send to Ulster. (I had gone in for an app. & left the paper with them!) Bad IDEA!!! So, I go to class, attending. . . and then one day in Oct, I go & find out I can't get my FA (financial aid) check because they didn't GET the paperwork back >:{ !!! I was pissed! So, I call & they fax (after being called like 3x!) . . . then! The next prob - I didn't show any antibodies to "Rubeola" (measles). So, that didn't make them happy & the only way I could keep attending class AND get my FA check was to go get a shot & come back down & give the paper to the nurse. My dr's office was no help! I was so pissed with them because of all this & then they wouldn't help with the shot!! So I went to a lab in town & paid for it myself & got it down & then went back down to the school ... This was in Fall 2004.

Fast forward back to now (LOL BTW, I changed dr's!! LOL) . . . I am trying to get paperwork done for Cobleskill so I can attend in like a month & 1/2. . . and the papers that Ulster got weren't good enough for them because the lab tech who DID my BW back then messed up & typed in the WRONG first name on my BW profile!! >:{ They crossed it out on the printout & put my real first name. Anyways, so I find out that Cobleskill is not going to accept this paperwork & I had to go & have another blood draw done. . . (my dr's office faxed the paperwork to the nurse up there on Tues when I took Dariyn to the dr) . . . I find out they didn't want it - so Wed when I went up with Jaymz to the dr, I got lab paperwork to get another blood titer done. By Fri the dr's office had it & when I was up there I called & they were going to re-fax it. . . but didn't. So, Mon (LOL!) when I took Kymberlee up to the dr, I went by & got a copy of the report myself & went & made copies & mailed out an envelope to the school.

I decided to drive up there today - to see the way to go & how far it was & how much gas it was going to take. I took my paperwork with me.

We just picked Jaymz up from work & went. We had breakfast after picking him up & then got gas & headed on our way.

We headed out of Kingston at 6:43am. We got to Cobleskill @ 8:05am. I drove around the campus for @ 20mins trying to figure out where anything was! Finally parked & headed to find a person! Found someone & they told me where the Wellness Center was. Went there & talked to the lady at the desk. Had the papers with me but not my ins cards (which were in my purse in my car that I was sure I would never find again! LOL) - but she made copies of the papers I had (again:) lol & I told her that I had mailed the same things to her & they should get them any day, only in the envelope, it also had my ins. cards. Thank god that titer was what the nurse needed & they were finally able to lift my medical hold!!

I asked her if I needed anything from her stating that they lifted the hold & she said no, she was going to enter it in the computer. so, I went to get an ID card next. Nope. Didn't happen. The lady who does that wasn't there today. So, maybe I will head up again next week & try again. After there, I headed to the registrar to see about my schedule. She wasn't too friendly. I explained to her that I had had a medical hold & just got it straightened with the nurse & the lady there told me to visit the registrar to see about my schedule. And she was like who? And I told her the lady in the nurse's office sitting at the window. I told the registrar lady that I asked her if I needed anything & she told me no - she was entering it into the computer. So the lady looks & she's like well she didn't & if I can't get her on the phone you'll have to call the 888 # & wait for it to be mailed. She picks up the phone, dials 4 #s then listens for like 2 secs (no kidding!) & says nope, no luck. You'll have to call. Again, more pissed off! >:{ So I didn't really accomplish much of anything there today! Just as we got to the building the registrar is in (Champlin Hall) it started raining! And boy, I mean raining! It was lightening after we left trying to get an ID card . . . And we got SOAKED going back to the car!! (Dariyn went around campus with me).

I'm driving home & about 20 mins or so after getting on our way, Jesse is crying & carrying on that he HAS to pee! He was just going to die! (LOL) There was no gas stations to stop, so we ended up heading down a side road. Back on the road & we stopped at a little "junk sale" shop thingy! LOL I got a huge bird book - old - but good! Back on the road again & I was sooo tired! I just couldn't sleep last night . . . and really got NONE. I finally had to stop at the Hess at the 32 corner in Saugerties because I was sure I was going to go off the road! We stopped for @ 20 mins & we headed on the road again. I just wanted to get home at that point & go to bed!! We stopped in Hurley to check the mail & continued on with no more stops!

We got home & just as we got in my mom called. She wanted to see if we made it back yet (lol). I talked to her a few mins & then Jaymz & I went to sleep for a few hours. It was almost 1 o'clock when we got back . . . due to stops etc.!! Ugh took much longer to get back home!!

I did get a few school supplies for me & the kids. Still need to get them all new shoes, & back packs & some supplies. We haven't gotten any lists or anything yet from any teachers. :{ For me, I got white-out, some pencils (I have a bazillion pens already;) LOL, paper & a "flexy" binder. . . some folders. . . The kids got pens, pencils, crayons, markers, paper, folders, pencil sharpeners, scissors, glue sticks, and probably something I'm forgetting! Jesse will need a few new outfits, Rayna prob too. Kymberlee & Dariyn have lots of pants that are in great condition, so I am going to try & get them a few shirts. They all also need new socks, new underwear . . . lol! It never ends. I need some new underclothes myself! LOL!

I also got an interesting call this afternoon that I am very excited about! A gal called me about a woodchuck that is definitely a non-releasable. She is also a rehabber & is very interested in him getting a good home. So we talked about things & I told her I would find out some stuff (she is concerned about hibernation & things like that) & I told her I would call her back Mon afternoon. Hopefully, she will like what I have to say & decide on me to "adopt" her little guy! Then I will fill out the appropriate forms & see if I can get him!:) I've already gathered TUNZ of woodchuck info & I hope that she will be happy! Be looking for a Woodchuck page addition on the site this weekend sometime!

We went back up to Kingston @ 6:20pm. We had a burger, and then we went to the $ store (Jaymz wanted candy! LOL) and then I went to Office Depot . . . then to Staples. Got a few of the school stuff at Staples. Then we dropped him off at work & went to my parents & we had tea;) We left there around 9pm. Headed over to Walmart & got some things in there. Then we headed home the long way & got home at 5 to 12am. LOL! (we didn't get out of Walmart until 10 after 11) . . . Here it is now 3:26am Saturday morning now & I haven't gone to bed tonight yet. . . And I have to head up to get Jaymz at 4:45 (he gets done at 5:30). . . .So good nite all! See ya again soon!


Oh my gosh. . . I think that is all for now. . . I am exhausted. . .

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